Thursday, October 10, 2013

Engaged, Humble Hearts = Worshiping Hearts

As a worship leader, my heart longs to encourage the Church to pursue true worship. And most of all, I am keenly aware that if I am going to stand in front you all and sing songs about the Living God – the God who struck Uzzah for touching the ark of the covenant and the creator God who gives and takes away, my heart better well be in the right place too. We all know that Satan offers many counterfeits in this world. Worship is no different.

In an American Idol age – we have often made our corporate worship gatherings about either performing on stage or critiquing from the audience. We have made ourselves God. We have made our opinions God. We have worshiped worship. We have missed the mark.

God tells us what worship is not:

Isaiah 29:13 Then the Lord said, "Because this people draw near with their words And honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts far from Me, And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote. (NASB)

So what does God expect? “John 4:24 God is spirit and His worshippers must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

Singing songs with a disengaged heart is.not.worship. It is simply singing. We must engage our spirits to be worshipers. We must worship with truth – my own interpretation of that? A true view of God, a true view of self and truly meaning it – authenticity not lip service.

Really this idea seems simple enough on paper but anyone who has sat in the pews knows how Satan tries to woo our hearts away from God…towards…well….anything. A lost toddler shoe on the way out the door. A fight with your spouse the night before. Feeling self-conscious like everyone is watching or flippantly sipping coffee while the pastor prays.

So what does God require of us in worship?

Hebrews 12:28,29:Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire.

 If my research is correct…and it might not be because I’m a better musician than theologian, in the Old Testament reverence occurs as the translation of two words “Yare” which means “to fear” and “shachah” which means “falling down”. In the New Testament there are three words translated to reverence “Deos” which means “awe and godly fear”, “phobeo” which is “fear or alarm” and “entrepo” which is an awareness of position  - in this case, our inferiority and God’s supremacy.

As I sit in churches I know that our corporate worship rarely reflects this. Reverence has been replaced with "accessible" and "casual" and while I understand that the curtain was torn and God is now accessible, I believe that unless we first revere Him we cannot grasp the grace of an accessible God. Comments I hear tell me that as worshippers we are inwardly puffed up and concerned about self. Not bowed down. We are greatly lacking in entrepo.

Since we are leading a worship service from the book of Revelation this Sunday let me tie that in - there is no better example in the Scriptures of fear, and awe and falling down before God than in Revelation. The picture of true worship – that which we are seeking to attain on earth and never fully will.  That which will only be fully realized in eternity.

Worship isn’t singing. It isn’t a ritual. It isn’t a physical posture. It is and inward posture. More of You and less of me, God. Bowing down to prove our position and Yours, Lord. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

We are all theologians on some level. Thank you for speaking truth, in love, into my life!